
Welcome to KoreanOnggi.Com.  In late August 2009 we returned from Korea where we hosted a group of international ceramic artists and visited the Ulsan Oe-Gosan Onggi Village that was to host OEUK 2009 in October.   In Oct. 2009 we returned to Korea with a small group of international ceramic artists.   Our purpose was to but the OEUK 2009 Exposition was postponed to 2010.  When we return we’ll post images of the tour on this site.

Ulsan is ready for their onggi exposition.  They have planted grass, constructed roads and created the largest onggi jar in the world.  You can see it (part of it) in the kiln waiting for firing in this slide show.  [ Click here to see it ] (another site)

In August 2009 we arrived just as they were making a large two person onggi jar that is in our slide show.

OEUK 2010 promises to be a great event, one you will want to witness first hand.  We will do what we can to make that possible by offering a really great price.  In 2009 they partly subsidized the tour.  We hope that in 2010 we can once again say. “This is a partially subsidized tour.” 

Register to be part of the 2010 event.

Korean Onggi



The OEUK Tour


Ulsan Onggi Movie (di)

For a more complete look at the onggi forming process, I’ve created a di movie selected  from a number of di’s I took recently in Ulsan at their onggi village.  Click on the link below to view that movie.

   If you have questions about forming onggi, I may be able to help. Although it usually takes a great deal of practice and personal instruction to learn to create onggi, there are some strategies they use that can improve  hand-forming processes.   Register, and then contact me with any questions you might have.


Copyright, Morning Earth Pottery 2009.  All web content All rights reserved.